ORG Encourages Citizens to call for Swift Action on Freedom of Information Act Implementation

The Organization for Responsible Governance (ORG) acknowledges the recent statement made by Prime Minister the Honorable Philip Davis on the prioritization of full enactment of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). While ORG acknowledges the stated  commitment to fulfilling the long-promised pledge to  fully enact the system within this term, swift action to ensure the benefits of greater transparency and accountability in governance is encouraged.

FOIA is a pivotal piece of legislation that upholds the fundamental principles of democracy: government accountability, transparency, and public participation in national decision-making processes. It is designed to provide the public with access to most government-held information, enabling citizens to hold their government accountable and make informed choices.

Despite the passage of the FOIA in 2017, crucial sections of the law covering the application process, and accessing information remain unimplemented. The lack of priority placed on this law over the past two administrations has hindered the public’s fundamental right to information, leaving Bahamians without the necessary tools to access government information on matters of public interest.

ORG fully supports the focus on addressing challenges related to cost of living, while acknowledging that this can be done in tandem with, and supported by the full enactment of Freedom of Information.  A fully enacted FOIA brings many social and economic benefits that will support sustainable national development, including more effective decision making, more efficient government spending, less wastage, and increased public trust which fosters economic confidence and investment. The direct economic benefits to be gained can counterbalance inflationary situations by protecting government resources which can then be allocated for social support initiatives.  This can have a direct, positive impact on day-to-day quality of life issues such as crime, school attendance and public services. 

The FOIA serves as a crucial tool for fostering a culture of transparency and accountability within government institutions. It enables citizens to hold their elected representatives accountable and ensures that decisions are rooted in the public’s perspective and best interest. Prioritizing the implementation of the FOIA paves the way for a more open and accountable society, allowing citizens to effectively participate in decision-making processes.

Last year ORG noted that the funds allocated to FOIA in the 2023/4 budget seemed insufficient to bring the act forward. In the coming year’s budget, ORG urges the government to provide the necessary resources and administration required to fully enact the law. By doing so, the government can demonstrate its commitment to the principles of democracy and open government and build the trust and confidence of the Bahamian people.

ORG strongly encourages Bahamians to play a role in ensuring that this law is fully funded and prioritized in the short term. Citizens and private sector business owners are urged to let their elected officials know they have waited long enough to enjoy their legal right to information, and are ready to see the long term social and economic benefits that FOIA will bring to The Bahamas. 

About ORG:

The Organization for Responsible Governance (ORG) is a not-for-profit civic foundation committed to realizing a brighter future by creating dialogue, insights, and solutions around the challenges affecting accountable governance, education reform, and economic development in The Bahamas. We are businesspersons, students, artists, educators, politicians, clergy, academics, and members of civil society united to resolve the nation’s most vexing issues by addressing their root causes. Through research, advocacy, and education, we can create a culture of governance that promotes opportunity and prosperity for all.


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