Welcome to ORG’s Citizen Solution Center!
An Active Citizen is anyone that is committed to playing their role in pushing their country forward. ORG’s Citizen’s Solution Center (CSC) is your opportunity to get informed and get involved!
Keep scrolling to learn about how you can learn more about your place as a Bahamian, solving challenges in your community and uniting with others toward a Brighter Future.
CSC Quick Links
Policy Review Center
Providing citizen input on policies is a vital part of inclusive & participatory governance. ORG’s Policy Review Center allows you to review current Bills and other decisions being debated in The Bahamas and to give your feedback and recommendations to the government for consideration. Be sure to get informed and get involved!
Freedom Fridays Broadcast
Citizens and civic groups are welcome to join us live on ORG’s Facebook page the last Friday of each month for an exciting live discussion on how citizens can work together to make The Bahamas a better place!
Access Parliament
Access Parliament makes Parliament more accessible to Bahamians to keep them in the know on decisions leaders make on their behalf. It gives citizens access to regular updates live from Parliament; offers simple language to explain pieces of legislation; reports on when new laws are enacted and gives general information on the makeup of the House of Assembly & Senate.
Freedom Schools
Freedom Schools is a 4-module civic education program that engages Bahamians in content that teaches about the Bahamian structure of government, the Constitution of The Bahamas and the citizen’s role in nation building. The content is ideal for students and members of civic organizations.